Michael’s two interns survived being child soldiers during a civil war. They are now learning agriculture, appropriate technology and God’s Word with plans to return to their community and share their new knowledge.

Project Funded!

Project: To train two interns.


SIFAT graduate Michael has a goal to establish a training center for young men from the very poor, disadvantaged region of Karamojong in Uganda. His first phase is to spend one year training two young men from this region who were forced into Uganda’s civil war as child soldiers. When they finally got out of that situation, they had no family and no income. They started rustling cattle, which did not work out well for them. They spent two months living in the bush, wounded and avoiding government soldiers. They are now being helped by Michael, who needs help from SIFAT to provide food to sustain them and pay for crop seeds as he trains them in agriculture, God’s Word and appropriate technologies. At the end of their internship, these young men will return to their community to train others in the appropriate technologies and agricultural skills they have learned. 

Project 22-06: Intern Mentoring Project

Project Goal:


Fully Funded!

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